
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

鲍迪奇收集的波士顿交通工具的大部分都存储在场外,必须至少提前两个工作日通过 Portal1791. 研究人员需要从校外储存超过6件物品时,应提前提供额外通知. 如果您对从场外仓库申请材料有疑问, 请致电咨询台617-646-0532或

Collection Summary


这个收藏包括波士顿和剑桥, Mass. 从萨福克郡记录中抄录的房地产运输记录 Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch,作为他正在进行的工作和兴趣的一部分 estate law and genealogy.

Biographical Sketch

纳撒尼尔·英格索尔·鲍迪奇(1805-1861),纳撒尼尔·鲍迪奇的儿子 (1773-1838)和玛丽·英格索尔·鲍迪奇(1781-1834)是一位著名的律师 谁专门从事房地产交易和转让. After graduating 鲍迪奇于1822年从哈佛大学毕业,在B. R. 1823年,他在与律师事务所的合作中继续获得法律经验 another attorney, William Prescott. In October 1825, Bowditch passed the bar 并与富兰克林·德克斯特成为合伙人. According to Boston 到1829年,鲍迪奇有了自己的律师事务所. In 1835, he married Elizabeth B. Francis. Throughout his life, he was an active philanthropist; he supported the Massachusetts General Hospital and established scholarships at Harvard. 他对家谱和地方史也很感兴趣 并发表了几篇文章和出版物,包括 Suffolk Surnames.

Collection Description

这个利记手机官网包括53卷的房地产运输(主要是 有关波士顿物业),2卷的房地产摘要,1卷的 案例利记APP官网手机版房地产,4索引卷,和2手稿盒包含 small indexes to specific volumes. The dates of the 收集和在纸箱清单中注明标题何时被检查和 researched. 卷宗的内容是地契的抄录和 probate records--span a wide range of dates. Many title searches include 从17世纪的转录记录和追溯财产到当时 of Nathaniel I. Bowditch's research. (Some volumes were updated with additional 最初的搜索完成后几年的信息. For example, 第一卷,第210页,是利记APP官网手机版本杰明·克龙比财产的标题搜索, State House Avenue. 最初的搜索以这样的符号结束:“5月4日星期五, 1827, title examined, entered and recorded by N. I. Bowditch." An additional 用不同的墨水写着:“1836年5月. J. Cotton wishing to buy Barnes lot got me to look and I find 339 & 165 a mortgage of Barnes...."

中包含的标题搜索存在四个单独的索引卷 卷1-50,这些索引卷存储在现场. Volume 20 indexes volumes 1-19; volume 30 indexes volumes 21-29; volume 41A indexes volumes 31-40; and volume 50A indexes volumes 42-50. Each index volume contains two 部分:个人姓名(物业的卖方或买方)和 所研究的属性的位置(街道). Also stored onsite are small indexes to specific volumes; previously, these indexes had been removed from 卷的标题和存储在两个手稿箱. As the box list 说明55卷图书中只有部分有小索引. 值得注意的是,卷52、53、54和55都有单独的索引. The individual 房地产运输的卷(卷1-55)不包含表 contents. 第60卷,案例,确实包括一个小索引,列出了相关的人 to the real estate cases contained therein.

Restrictions on Access

鲍迪奇收集的波士顿交通工具的大部分都存储在场外,必须至少提前两个工作日通过 Portal1791. 研究人员需要从校外储存超过6件物品时,应提前提供额外通知. 如果您对从场外仓库申请材料有疑问, 请致电咨询台617-646-0532或

Acquisition Information

由纳撒尼尔一世遗产赠与马萨诸塞州历史学会. 1861年4月27日,但在弗雷德里克·C. Bowditch, conveyancer, until 1912. 书中的书板表明国安局收到了 collection on 19 March 1912.

Arrangement of the Collection

这些卷按出版日期按时间顺序排列 were examined and researched by Nathaniel I. Bowditch.

Detailed Description of the Collection

Carton 1SH 12L2 SVol. 1
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 25 Jan. 1827-24 July 1827.
Carton 1SH 12L2 SVol. 2
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 25 July 1827-15 Dec. 1827.
Carton 1SH 12L2 SVol. 3
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 17 Dec. 1827-28 April 1828.
Carton 1SH 12L2 SVol. 4
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 28 April 1828-2 Sept. 1828.
Carton 1SH 12L2 SVol. 5
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch,2 Sept. 1828-23 Feb. 1829.
Carton 2SH 12L3 TVol. 6
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 23 Feb. 1829-30 June 1829.
Carton 2SH 12L3 TVol. 7
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 2 July 1829-[Nov. 1829].
Carton 2SH 12L3 TVol. 8
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 13 Nov. 1829-20 March 1830.
Carton 2SH 12L3 TVol. 9
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, March 1830-24 July 1830.
Carton 2SH 12L3 TVol. 10
在城市房地产的摘要或附件书 Boston, by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 30 May 1831-2 Aug. 1842.
Carton 3SH 12L4 UVol. 11
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 28 July 1830-20 Dec. 1830.
Carton 3SH 12L4 UVol. 12
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 21 Dec. 1830-2 April 1831.
Carton 3SH 12L4 UVol. 13
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 10 April 1831-9 July 1831.
Carton 3SH 12L4 UVol. 14
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 27 June 1831-14 Oct. 1831.
Carton 3SH 12L4 UVol. 15
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 15 Oct. 1831-[Feb. 1832].
Carton 4SH 12L5 VVol. 16
Land Titles in Lowell, Chelmsford, &c, &c; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 15 Nov. 1831-[July 1832].
Carton 4SH 12L5 VVol. 17
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 25 Feb. 1832-20 June 1832.
Carton 4SH 12L5 VVol. 18
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 16 April 1832-22 Aug. 1832.
Carton 4SH 12L5 VVol. 19
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 24 Aug. 1832-22 Dec. 1832.
Vol. 20
General Index to volumes 1-19 inclusive, of Land Titles; created by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch March 1833-3 Feb. 1834.Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-2044 (Tall).
Carton 4SH 12L5 VVol. 21
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 31 Dec. 1832-1 May 1833.
Carton 5SH 12L6 WVol. 22
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 17 Jan. 1833-3 Aug. 1833.
Carton 5SH 12L6 WVol. 23
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 1 Aug. 1833-14 Jan. 1834.
Carton 5SH 12L6 WVol. 24
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 17 Jan. 1834-17 Sept. 1834.
Carton 5SH 12L6 WVol. 25
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 27 Feb. 1834-14 Nov. 1834.
Carton 5SH 12L6 WVol. 26
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 18 Nov. 1834-20 July 1835.
Carton 6SH 12L7 XVol. 27
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 23 Mar. 1835-18 Dec. 1835.
Carton 6SH 12L7 XVol. 28
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 18 Dec. 1835-12 Sept. 1836.
Carton 6SH 12L7 XVol. 29
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 17 Sept. 1836-3 May 1837.
Vol. 30
Index to Land Titles, vols. 21 to 29; created by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch 15 Nov. 1837-27 Dec, 1839.Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-2044 (Tall).
Carton 6SH 12L7 XVol. 31
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 19 May 1837-20 March 1838.
Carton 6SH 12L7 XVol. 32
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 22 March 1838-17 Nov. 1838.
Carton 7SH 12L8 YVol. 33
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 10 Nov. 1838-21 June 1839.
Carton 7SH 12L8 YVol. 34
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 24 June 1839-20 April 1840.
Carton 7SH 12L8 YVol. 35
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 17 April 1840-10 Feb. 1841.
Carton 7SH 12L8 YVol. 36
Records of Land Titles, South Cove, Boston; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 27 April 1849-[1859].
Carton 7SH 12L8 YVol. 37
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 20 Feb. 1841-7 Nov. 1841.
Carton 7SH 12L8 YVol. 38
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 13 Nov. 1841-13 Sept. 1842.
Carton 8SH 12L9 ZVol. 39
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 15 Sept. 1842-[April 1843].
Carton 8SH 12L9 ZVol. 40
Docket, or list of Debtors and Bankrupts, 1842-1849; 4 August 1842-16 March 1849.
Carton 8SH 12L9 ZVol. 41
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 30 April 1843-3 Feb. 1844.
Vol. 41A
Index to volumes 31-41.Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-2044 (Tall).
Carton 8SH 12L9 ZVol. 42
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 5 Feb. 1844-8 Feb. 1845.
Carton 8SH 12L9 ZVol. 43
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 11 Feb. 1845-7 Oct. 1845.
Carton 9SH 12LA -Vol. 44
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 9 Oct. 1845-9 Sept. 1846.
Carton 9SH 12LA -Vol. 45
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 2 Oct. 1846-20 July 1847.
Carton 9SH 12LA -Vol. 46
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 29 July 1847-24 April 1849.
Carton 9SH 12LA -Vol. 47
土地所有权记录,[许多与南波士顿的财产有关]; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 1 Oct. 1847-[1857].
Carton 9SH 12LA -Vol. 48
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 1 May 1849-27 July 1850.
Carton 10SH 12LB .Vol. 49
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 3 August 1850-9 July 1851.
Carton 10SH 12LB .Vol. 50
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 18 August 1851-27 Jan. 1853.
Vol. 50A
Index to Land Titles, vols. 42-50, including 16 (or Lowell Titles), 3 August 1854.Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-2044 (Tall).
Carton 10SH 12LB .Vol. 51
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 10 Feb. 1853-14 March 1854.
Carton 10SH 12LB .Vol. 52
[Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 1854-1858.]
Carton 10SH 12LB .Vol. 53
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 22 March 1855-7 Nov. 1856.
Carton 11SH 12LCVol. 54
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 5 Nov. 1856-[Feb. 1858].
Carton 11SH 12LCVol. 55
Records of Land Titles; transcribed by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, 17 Feb. 1858-[April 1859].
Carton 11SH 12LCVol. 58
Docket of Real Estate Attachments,28 March 1849-16 Sept. 1857 kept by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch.
Carton 11SH 12LCVol. 59
Docket of Attachments of Real Estate 1857-1858, kept by Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch.
Carton 11SH 12LCVol. 60
Box 1 (onsite)
卷1、2、3、4、5、7、8、1-9(街道)、1-9(个人)的索引 names), 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18.Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-2044 (Tall), Box 1.
Box 2 (onsite)
第19、23、29、52、53、54、55卷的索引和散注 removed from volumes.Stored ONSITE at Ms. N-2044 (Tall), Box 2.

Preferred Citation

鲍迪奇收集波士顿交通工具,马萨诸塞州历史 Society.

Access Terms

这个利记手机官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL, 马萨诸塞州历史学会的在线目录. Researchers 希望获得有关个人、组织或主题的资料 search the catalog using these headings.


Land titles--Massachusetts--Boston.
Real property, Exchange of--Massachusetts--Boston.
Real property--Massachusetts--Boston.